Average Jane turned Domestic Diva. PR. FGCU Grad. Lover of fashion, food and art. Blogger, server, dreamer, doer.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


For all you Vampire Diaries lovers out there, today, I am talking Delena...

On the brink of a new episode, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to write about one of my greatest Thursday loves, and loves in general, Vampire Diaries! Last week's episode still has me reeling! I am a sucker for bad boys, and I have been waiting for a passionate, meaningful, and steamy Damon and Elena kiss since the days of "Friday Night Bites," when Damon tried to compel Elena to kiss him. 

The sexual tension between them is undeniable and the possibility of a Damon and Elena relationship had me even more giddy over the clever Katherine/Elena switcheroo kiss with Damon at the end of Season One. I've been an avid TVD follower since the beginning, and been Team Delena since Damon made his evil, yet stunningly handsome presence known. I'm excited to see what tonight's episode brings, but I'm even more eager to see what all of you think...Stefan, or Damon? 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Easy and Delicious Spinach Dip Recipe

So, your college level Rhetoric and Argumentation class is hosting a class party at the end of the semester...I know what you're thinking, "highly unlikely." Never rule out the possibility, but I digress. Perhaps, you have a cookout to go to and you're in charge of bringing the appetizer. This situation seems more plausible anyway. I have a recipe that will win you awards, but I have to give credit to Scott for this one too!

 Spinach Dip

  • 9 oz package of frozen spinach (drained)
  • 1 Knorr Vegetable pack
  • 1 cup mayo
  • about 13 oz sour cream or (3/4 of a 16 oz container)
  • 10 or so water chestnuts (diced)
  • circular piece of bread
  • 1 package of baby carrots
  • celery (cut into thirds)
In a large mixing bowl, combine, the spinach, vegetable pack, mayo, sour cream and water chestnuts. Mix until everything is incorporated and creamy. Refrigerate the mixture for at least two hours.

While the mixture is chilling, cut the top of the bread and dice up that piece into 1" chunks. Hollow out the bread, so it looks like a bowl. When the dip has chilled enough, spoon it into the bread bowl and arrange the bread chunks, baby carrots, and celery around the bowl on a pretty serving dish.

Scott showed me this recipe, but he uses a Hidden Valley Ranch packet instead of the Knorr Vegetable packet. You can use either one, but I prefer the Knorr packet because it not only has seasonings in it, but little pieces of vegetables too. I think it takes the spinach dip to another level. Seriously, you might just eat the whole thing before your friends get a chance to. Be careful, I've warned you!

Monday, April 23, 2012

From Average Jane to Domestic Diva

My Muse :)
The inspiration for this blog came from my boyfriend, Scott. I've always talked about creating a blog, and in the past, I've gone the distance of actually creating one, but the concern always remained the same; what is it going to be about, and who is going to read it? 

So, the light bulb went off in my head when Scott told me, "Write about what you love. It doesn't guarantee that someone hasn't already written about that, it just means that you have to do it better." So, I started thinking, "I'm a good writer, I can do this." and I opened up my Pinterest account. Everything I love is on Pinterest! For God's sake, I have like seventeen boards full of my interests. As I scrolled through pages and pages of "stuff," I became inspired. I like food, I like fashion, I like art...why not write about it? 

Then, like clock work, another light bulb went off in my head. Why not incorporate one of my biggest loves...Thursday nights? This is really the part where Scott makes the biggest impact. Every Thursday night, Scott and I make dinner, usually something we've never made before, and we watch the latest episode of Vampire Diaries. I couldn't think of a better combination! Suddenly, it hit me...I will call my blog A Typical Thursday. I've already granted my weekly Thursday tradition the unofficial title, so why not my blog? 

I associate Thursdays with good food, good company, and good memories, and that is what I want to share with the world...and not just my Thursday experience, but my adventures through food, fashion, art, entertainment, and everything in between. Before this blog, I was an average Jane. My bachelor's degree is so close that I can taste it, I had a mediocre job, and I simply went through the motions of everyday life. Scott pulled the domestic diva out of me, and it is thanks to him that I am taking another very dedicated stab at blogging!